Unique Homeopathic Healing for Acne

Acne is a problem that hits both boys and girls when they reach puberty. The hormonal changes that occur at this stage of life block the oil glands in their skin; consequently, the natural oil secreted in the skin cannot drain out. The oil thus collected forms the ideal environment for the growth of Propionibacterium acnes (the organism responsible for acne). The result is pimples and discoloration of the skin.

Usually acne manifests itself most commonly on the face; however, it can occur on other parts – neck, shoulders, back, chest, etc. Although this common skin condition is not a serious health issue, it can cause scars and disfigure the face and other parts of the body. Acne can pose a threat to adults too, because of dietary problems, as a side effect of various types of medication and other health conditions.

Image courtesy: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Chickenpox_Adult_back.jpg

The psychological impact

The obvious effects of acne are cosmetic in nature – in the form of affecting the physical appearance. Nevertheless, it is not just a cosmetic issue. The temporary or permanent disfigurement it may cause can have a major psychological impact as well. Acne victims may become acutely conscious of the blemishes; this can affect their otherwise natural ability to interact with others and maintain the poise with which they function among relatives and in the society.

Signs of acne

Acne can take the following forms:

  • Blackheads and whiteheads: small bumps on the skin caused by clogged and enlarged hair follicles
  • Pustules or pimples: pus-filled tiny lesions on the surface of the skin, often red at the base
  •  Papules: pink-colored bumps on the skin, often painful when touched even gently
  •  Nodules: large solid lesions that occur deep under the surface of the skin, often painful even when untouched     
  •  Lesions: wounds on and under the skin surface, with persistent scars of varying intensity when healed    

Homeopathic treatment

Traditional medicine treats directly the visible signs of acne, either through the application of ointments on the skin and/or through a course of medication. It may treat the visible signs of the condition; however, it does not address the underlying cause(s). Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that looks at the condition in its totality; it acts to provide a comprehensive and lasting outcome of treatment. It heals the surface disfigurement of acne, addressing at the same time the root cause(s) of the problem. It does this by:

           v  Controlling any genetic tendency that might trigger acne

           v  Treating the hormonal changes or disturbances that cause skin blemishes

           v  Reducing excessive oiliness of the skin

           v  Reducing the hyper pigmentation that often follows the onset of acne

           v  Controlling and reducing the possibilities of infections that may arise from acne

           v  Controlling and reducing any scar formation

Acne is indeed a common and natural occurrence; that does not mean you have to suffer it without treatment. If you have an acne problem, on any part of the body, whatever is your age, you can rely upon homeopathy for lasting relief; it can help reduce the intensity of the condition and control any long-term scarring and disfigurement issues.

More importantly, it can help regain your self-esteem that has suffered some beating due to acne. An experienced homeopathic doctor will be able to prescribe the right treatment for your specific condition.
