Homeopathy for Infertility

The inability to carry a pregnancy after a certain period of time is termed as Infertility. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples trying to conceive and have a baby. The symptoms of this reproductive problem in female patients include dysmenorrheal, abnormal leucorrhea, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, galactorrhea and endocrine dyscrasia symptoms. The symptoms for male patients are marked by having less seminal fluid than normal people, sexual impotence and premature ejaculation, retained testicle (or Cryptorchidism), hemospermia syndrome, varicocele, abnormality of genital organ and azoospermia.

Couples today have the option of going with a line of treatment that has absolutely no side effects and yet effectively rectifies almost 90% of sperm abnormalities in men while regulating and balancing the body's hormones, menstrual cycle and enhances the ovulation process in females thereby achieving a success rate as high as 90%! The treatment of male and female infertility through homeopathy has been found to be very effective and is scientifically documented. All homeopathic treatments aim to first kick-start the body’s in-built healing system. It does this by giving the person small doses of whatever it is thought to be making them ill. Then the body can build up its defenses to deal with the culprit.

Homeopathic help for women

Sabina recommended for women who have experienced recurrent miscarriages

Aurum used in cases when low sex drive and depression are the cause of infertility

Phosphorus used when anxiety and stress are contributing to female infertility

Silica to boost the immune system in order to improve a woman’s chances of getting pregnant

Sepia used when low sex drive is contributing to difficulty in getting pregnant or to treat irregular or absent ovulation

Folliculinum is given as a drainage remedy, to stimulate ovulation.

Thuja or Medorrhinum if the patient had ovarian polyps, and if they had not ovulated after the OCP.

Natrum Muriaticum is a good remedy for poor quality mucus and for suppression.

Borax is good remedy also for thrush

Pulsatilla is a good inflammatory remedy so the application for repeated miscarriage and its affinity for repair are applicable

Cimicifuga and Caulophyllum excellent drainage and lesional remedies to use for ovarian suppression and potential miscarriage respectively.

Dioscorea to consider after miscarriage to rebuild the health of the endometrium because of its strong progesterone based affinity.

Fertibella Conceiveeasy, lengthening luteal phase, regulating cycles, balancing hormones.

Oophorimun regulate the function of the ovaries.

Agnus castus improved ovulation or pregnancy

Homeopathic help for men

Acid Phos works best if it is related to physical weakness and lower quality of sperm and or person has also a family history of diabetes.

Lycopodium if the erectile dysfunction is due to stress. Also beneficial if person is worried about anything with the effects on memory, lack of confidence, digestive problems or bad eating habits 

Selenium metallicum helpful for reduced sexual ability, especially if the person does not have any hope of getting better, feels sad, weak and exhausted, usually after any other illness but the sexual desire is still present 

Orchitinum increases the quantity of semen (low sperm count), lower sperm motility (its ability to move), Sperm Morphology (its shape & structure).

Nupher Luetium for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculations, or due to stress related to job or family or a man feels that he is not been able to perform sexual activities Medorrhinum can help to treat impotence

There is a strong body of evidence to show that homeopathy aids fertility, but treatment is strictly individualistic. A certified homeopath can help to reinstate a healthy reproductive system. The up side is that it’s effective, safe, and a painless alternative to the more invasive fertility treatments that are prevalent today.
